Saturday 12 May 2018

Christ lives in me!

Christ lives in me and you.  We die to ourselves when we accept Christ as our Redeemer.  We can no longer live for ourselves but we need to honour our Saviour and let Him come and live in us.

GOD gave us the Way, the Truth and the Life through the death of HIS beloved Son Jesus Christ.  That whoever believes in Him shall not die but shall have life everlasting.  This is the fulfilment of promise made by GOD to lead us to Salvation.

In order to have Jesus come and live in us, we need to clean our houses.  That is to say we need to forgive those who sin against us and we need to ask GOD to forgive our sins.  We need to draw close to GOD through prayer and by reading HIS word daily.  We need to love our neighbours as ourselves.

Prayer: Heavenly FATHER GOD, I thank YOU that YOU sent YOUR Son Jesus Christ to live in me.  I humbly ask that YOU forgive my sins as I forgive all those who have sinned against me.  I pray FATHER that YOU would show me where I can glorify YOUR Holy Name.  I pray all of this in the Holy Name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay GOD blessed today. 

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