Wednesday, 9 May 2018


King David had committed adultery with Bathsheba.  They had a child and the child died.  David had not only committed adultery, he had coveted his neighbour's possession, then he committed murder when he sent Uriah, Bathsheba's husband into the front line of battle to be killed so that he, King David, could have Bathsheba and her child.

Yet in this petition, David falls on his knees to our GOD and asks for forgiveness.  GOD loved King David and promised to make his descendents more numerous than the grains of sand on earth.  

How gracious and awesome is our GOD.  HE promises to blot out our transgressions no matter what they are as long as we do the following:

Truly repent.  Fall on our knees and with sincere hearts ask GOD to forgive us.  Forgive those who have sinned against us.  

Today let us draw close and have a relationship with GOD.  GOD will read our hearts and then if we are truly repentant and sincere, GOD will remove our sins as far as East is from West.  

What amazing grace we have in our GOD.  Our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer: Heavenly Gracious FATHER in Heaven, I thank YOU for YOUR enormous grace and for YOUR loving kindness to me.  I thank YOU that YOU sent YOUR Son, Jesus Christ to be the sacrificial lamb and to remove my sins with HIS blood shed for me on the cross.  I humbly ask that YOU forgive my sins as I forgive those who sin against me. 

I thank YOU FATHER, for YOUR divine intervention and forgiveness,  in the Holy Name of my Lord and Saviour, my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Stay wondrously, graciously GOD blessed today.  

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