Friday, 18 May 2018

Let people know that we are disciples of Jesus!

And Jesus spoke to His disciples saying, "A new commandment I give unto you.  Love one another as I have loved you and then the world will know that you are My disciples".  

What a profound statement and what an obligation it places on us if we proclaim that we love our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  We then need to follow up our words with the actions of loving each and every person.  Not just our family and our friends, but each and every person that we meet.

When we walk with Jesus, and when we feel our hand resting in His, He draws near to us and comes to live in our hearts.  He allows us to pray to His FATHER in Heaven, our FATHER GOD.  He petitions GOD to hear our prayers and He gives us His peace.

Prayer:  Heavenly FATHER GOD, today I humbly ask that YOU guide me to love each and every person I meet.  I ask that YOU forgive me where I have failed to do this as I forgive all those who have failed to show love to me.  I pray all of this in the Heavenly Name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay wondrously GOD blessed today. 

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Born again?

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