Monday 24 June 2024

Jesus is the LIGHT of the world!

 Dearest Christ followers, we are so privileged to serve our GOD.  HE gave us HIS grace freely to save us from eternity in hell.

JESUS is the light and we walk in that light.

This is why it is so important to repent of our sinful ways, which are a part of the darkness of this world.

Once we have accepted Jesus Christ as our SAVIOUR, no longer can we continue to do things which are a part of the darkness.

Now we have the light of life and HE is JESUS.  Our LORD, SAVIOUR and our LIGHT!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, thank YOU for the LIGHT of this world, JESUS CHRIST.  I thank YOU in the HOLY name of my LORD, my SAVIOUR, my REDEEMER, my LIGHT.  Amen.

Stay radiantly blessed today!

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