Tuesday 25 June 2024

Who nailed Jesus to the Cross?

 Dearest Christ followers, the question of who crucified Jesus arose the other day in a family discussion.

It was mooted that the Romans crucified Jesus.

No, dearest Christ followers, you and I nailed Jesus to that Cross and kept HIM there until HE gave up HIS life for you and I.

That is the simple truth.

There is no person on earth who is good or without sin.  And every sin you and I have ever committed nailed Jesus to that Cross.

HE died for you and me. 

That is the simple truth and until we acknowledge this, and it grieves us deeply, we cannot truly call ourselves co heirs of Jesus Christ. 

Today let us consider the sins we have committed.  Let us repent of them and not continue in them.  

Each time we sin again, we have more responsibility in the crucifixion of our SAVIOUR.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR Grace and favour.  FATHER, today, fill me anew with YOUR Holy Spirit to convict me when I sin.  FATHER, forgive me and show me how to be more like JESUS each and every day.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today!

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Take up our crosses and follow JESUS

  Dearest CHRIST followers, when we accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOUR of our lives, we are not guaranteed a trouble-free life. We are all goi...