Wednesday 3 July 2024

The Heavens declare the Glory of the LORD!

Dearest Christ followers, we can see the Glory of GOD.  All we have to do is to watch a sunrise, a sunset or go out on a clear evening and see the stars.

Watch nature at work and see the perfection of our FATHER. Witness a new leaf unfurling, a bee at work, the birds in the early morning.  

No one can honestly believe that all of this came about through a collision of nothing crashing into nothing and creating all of this.

This had to be the work of an intelligent designer.  A master CREATOR.

If you are like me, I have always believed the Bible to be a work of absolute literal truth.

Therefore, if the Bible says that the earth, the Heavens and the universe were all created in six days, I believe that.

Our FATHER, who created the entire universe and all that is in it, could certainly create it in six days.

It is cynical and plainly evil to deny that the Heavens declare the glory of our FATHER. Any person who can deny the CREATION of our FATHER is clearly deceived.

There is simply no other rational explanation for the entire creation. 

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU that YOU created all that we know.  I humbly thank YOU that the Heavens declare YOUR Glory.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay amazingly JESUS Blessed today!

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD!

 Dearest Christ followers, we need to trust our FATHER.  And why would we not trust our FATHER?

After all, our FATHER gave us our lives.  HE gave us the heavens and the earth.  HE gave us the air that we breathe, our families, our homes, our friends. All our possessions are from the LORD.

Most of all, our FATHER gave us HIS Son who died for our sins on the CROSS of CALVARY.  Without that gift, none of us could ever enter eternity and go to heaven.  We would all end up in hell. 

Today, let us heed the instruction of our FATHER.  Let us obey HIS commandments.  Let us love HIM above all else.  Let us love one another as we are commanded to do.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU that YOU gave me everything I have, my life, my family, my friends.  Most of all FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU gave me salvation through YOUR grace and through the blood of JESUS CHRIST.  I thank YOU FATHER that JESUS paid the price of my sins.  FATHER, I thank YOU in the HOLY Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay thankfully JESUS Blessed today!

Monday 1 July 2024

The knowlege of the glory of the LORD will fill the earth.

 Dearest Christ followers, what a glorious day it will be when we live with our LORD.

This earth and all the Heavens shall be destroyed by GOD.

Our eternity, though, will never be destroyed when we have accepted JESUS CHRIST as our LORD and our SAVIOUR.

JESUS will reign over this earth for the Millenium kingdom and then, when this earth and the Heavens are destroyed by GOD after that, GOD will create a new Heaven and a new earth.

The glory of GOD shall be with us all forever.

And that is something to really look forward to.

Today, let us praise and worship our FATHER who has given us HIS WORD so that we may be fully prepared for what is to come.

And if we are not ready, let us repent, accept JESUS and accept the Grace of GOD.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I praise YOU and I worship YOU and honour YOU and I adore YOU that YOU have made very clear to us what is going to happen.  I pray that my heart is filled with YOUR love and that I may show that love to all that I meet on earth.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay graciously JESUS Blessed today!

The Heavens declare the Glory of the LORD!

Dearest Christ followers, we can see the Glory of GOD.  All we have to do is to watch a sunrise, a sunset or go out on a clear evening and s...