Sunday 7 July 2024

The Rapture - Ready or not?

 Dearest Christ followers as the world around us goes more and more crazy, are we ready to be called to meet with JESUS in the clouds?

This is a very serious question, and each and every day we are alive, we are one day closer to this event.

JESUS will descend in the clouds with a loud command from GOD, the call of a trumpet, and the dead in CHRIST will rise first.

After that, anyone still alive and in CHRIST will be caught up together to meet with JESUS in the clouds.

So we will be with the LORD forever.  

The question is, again, are we ready?  Are we living in CHRIST or are we living to this world?

Because to be living in CHRIST means that we have turned from our sinful past, repented and are fully committed to serving JESUS on earth.

Again, the question.  Are we going to meet with JESUS or are we staying behind.

Today, is the day to decide.  Do not put it off until tomorrow.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that where I have unrepented sins, convict me anew with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT.  FATHER forgive me for my sins.  I confess with my mouth that JESUS CHRIST is my LORD and my SAVIOUR.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay graciously JESUS blessed today!

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