Friday 5 July 2024

JESUS has saved us!

 JESUS has saved us and called us to a Holy life.

We have done nothing to deserve this.  In fact the Bible is very clear.  There is no one good.  All have fallen short of the glory of GOD.

This is because our FATHER is pure, Holy, righteous, just, loving and merciful.

We are all sinners.

The only way to get to Heaven is through the justification of ourselves by the us accepting that JESUS is our Redeemer.

GOD formulated a way for us to redeem our sins before the beginning of time.  GOD sent HIS only SON, JESUS CHRIST, to take the full punishment for our sins.

This grace is freely given and cannot be earned.  We need therefore, to repent of our sins, believe in JESUS as the MESSIAH.  And be saved.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU that YOU made a way for me to have my sins forgiven.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay graciously JESUS blessed today!

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