Thursday 4 July 2024

A new creation in JESUS!

 Dearest Christ followers, when we are in JESUS, we are made new, in th image of JESUS.

We simply cannot go on living the way we did before.

Acceptance of JESUS as our Redeemer means that we have truly repented of our sins.

This does not merely mean remorseful.  Repentance means to turn away from completely.  It means a change of heart, a change of mind and a desire to move away from sinning.  The HOLY SPIRIT comes to live in us.  HE convicts us each and every time we sin.

If that is not happening in our lives, we need to ask ourselves.  Have we truly been born again?

A born-again Christ follower is a new creation.  The old things have passed away, and all things have become new. 

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, fill me anew each and every day with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay graciously JESUS Blessed today!

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